Ask yourself, are you willing to:

1. Let a person with penis share the bathroom and locker room with you or your daughter?
2. Are you willing to pay extra 15% tax to encourage healthy people to get social benefit without working?
3. Are you willing to let your tax $ used for wars in foreign countries rather than used to fix highways in your town?
4. Are you willing to pay more and more for health insurance only because Obama care failed miserably while the Obama care insurance companies are profiting a hefty 45% increase because they are the major donor of Obama's presidential campaign?
5. Do you agree with Hillary's Afghanistan policy if she's elected?
6. Do you think the 12 tons daily heroin smuggling at the border of Mexico is ok?
7. Do you think the United States should accept the Muslim refugees WITHOUT any document proving they are not terrorists?
8. Do you think the millions of illegal immigrants should get free medical and food stamps and participate the voting?
9. Are you willing to see your children study hard work hard but because of AA and not be able to get in good schools?
10. Are you willing to pay tax all your life but end up getting the retirement benefits less than that illegal immigrant get?
11. Are you willing to be silenced by "political correct"? including being silenced when the school teaches your children how to explore their sexual preferences like anal sex and If you protest you will be prosecuted?
12. Are you willing to see the capitalist America goes towards totalitarianism by one socialist party where the president bypass the Congress and directly threaten each state by stopping the federal funding in order to deploy his own agenda?
13. Are you willing to let the government takes away your Second Amendment right of owning firearms for self-defense?
14. Obama doubled the national debt. Are you willing to see our next president ignores the 19 trillion debt and continue abusing the Social Benefit to bribe for people's vote like Venezuela ? Or allow the government to tax you 90% of your income like During World War II or like most of the EU countries?
15. Are you willing to rent your house to criminals and if you refuse you will get fined by the government?
16. Are you willing to live in unsafe society and have no guns to protect yourselves but allow the criminals use illegal guns to rob you and rape you ?
If you answer NO to those the questions you should vote for Trump. If you answer YES, you can vote for Hilary and enjoy hell.

大选十六问, 你愿意吗?

1. 你们愿不愿意自己的女儿跟生理男人一起上厕所?
2. 你们愿不愿意多交15%的税,变相鼓励有手有脚的青壮年不劳而获?
3. 你们希望自己的税钱去海外打仗还是在本土修路?
4. 你们认为Obama竞选捐款金主重要构成的保险公司在Obamacare下利润增加45%是不是Obama回报金主?你愿意自己的医疗保险连年涨价以填补Obama care的资金缺口?
5. 你们对Hillary竞选总统成功后对阿富汗和伊拉克增兵的计划是否认可?
6. 你们认为当前美国墨西哥边境每天12吨海洛因的走私量是不是严重威胁?
7. 你们认为美国应该不应该接受不知其身份没有任何身份证件的穆斯林难民?
8. 你们认为美国应该继续带着冷战思维与中俄对峙还是应该改善关系建立战略共识?
9. 你们认为人数巨大的非法移民是不是应该获得免费医疗粮食券并参与美国大选投票?
10. 你愿不愿意你的孩子努力学习,却因为AA而无缘藤校?
11. 你愿不愿意自己交了一辈子的税,最后拿的退休金还不如非法移民拿的福利多?
12. 你是否愿意政治正确的枷锁加身,被迫对真理三缄其口;甚至连教育引导孩子正确的性取向都成为罪过?
13. 你愿不愿意资本主义的美国步步走向极权,总统跨越国会,直接以扣拨资金为要挟,强迫各州,对其政令俯首称臣?同时收回我们手里的枪,让人民无力反抗?
14. 你愿不愿意美国政府无视19万亿高额外债,继续滥用福利政策贿赂穷人选票,在不久的将来像委内瑞拉政府一样一夜破产、民生凋零?还是像二战期间一样,对你征收最高可达90%以上的税金?
15. 你愿不愿意把自己的房子租给有犯罪记录的人?如果不租会收到政府的罚款?
16. 你愿不愿意居住在不安全的地区而没有把枪来保护自己?让抢劫 偷窃者肆意妄为?
如果你对以上观点说 "不", 请你一定要支持川普!!!